TIN 23-02
Telecommunications Information Notice 23-02 billing cORRECTION FOR NON-STANDARD DIAL TONE
April 26, 2023
The Office of Technology Services would like to make customers aware of a billing correction which will impact some Non-Standard Dial Tone customers. In March 2023, the vendor providing NSDT services billed some OTS accounts at a much higher rate than the contract, due to an error in their system. Instead of passing these increased amounts to the user agencies, billing was suspended for the impacted customer accounts until the vendor corrected the rates and issued credits. At this time, the impacted vendor accounts have been corrected and credits have been issued. We will include the correct charges for agencies covering both March and April on their April bills. The April bills will be available for review on the normal schedule at the beginning of May.
Questions regarding this information notice should be directed to the Office of Finance and Support Services, 225.342.0700.