Electronic Signatures
Electronic Signatures
OTS offers electronic signature services via DocuSign. DocuSign is a cloud-based electronic signature (e-signature) tool that allows users to create, send, sign, and manage documents electronically. It can be used on almost any device, from anywhere in the world, and is suitable for many different industries and processes, including legal, human resources, and contracts.
Agencies seeking to utilize the DocuSign line of service through OTS should engage their OTS Agency Relationship Manager who can coordinate with other OTS staff (David Dousay or Brad Smith) for assistance. OTS will create at least one agency administrator account for the agency. Agency administrators are directly responsible for providing individual users access to their DocuSign account.
There is no cost for an agency to have an account, and there is no cost for administrator/user accounts. Each DocuSign envelope costs $1.10. OTS invoices agencies based on actual usage (i.e., number of envelopes initiated by agency administrators/users x $1.10 = total cost billed to the agency).
Common resources are listed below. Additional materials can be found in the Basic User Training document.