Device as a Service
Device as a Service
The OTS approach for providing services and support for all state technology is to utilize Lines of Service as a mechanism to adequately and appropriately recover the cost of operations related to each of the services. In order to further standardize EUC support operations, the provisioning of devices such as computers, laptops and tablets will be made through orders for hardware lines of service. Many customers are utilizing a similar model today through the state leasing program. Beginning July 1, 2020, all orders for computer hardware will be placed based on the EUC Line of Service catalog offerings. The options and monthly rates are published here: EUC Catalog of Services
Contact OTS:
- Customer Service Ticket Portal:
- 225.219.6900
- 844.219.6900
All customer needs associated with any devices managed by OTS End User Computing must be documented by submitting a ticket using the OTS ticket System (IVANTI). This applies to all devices including legacy agency owned equipment and new OTS provisioned hardware.
The OTS Ticket system can be accessed using this link:
There are 3 types of service requests that can be made to order new devices or request a change for existing devices:
- Order New Device
- Move/Reassign Device
- Decommission Device
Each of these options is available as a named Service Request in the Ivanti Service Catalog and provides all of the required fields of information that should be included when making a request for service.
When any new EUC managed device needs to be ordered, customers will select the category(s) of devices needed to support their applicable business functions. Each category of device has different hardware specifications and an associated monthly cost for the equipment.
OTS has established hardware lines of service for the classes of equipment listed below and the current options and monthly rates are published here: EUC Catalog of Services
All EUC line of service devices will have a 48 month hardware lifecycle for replacement and will have a visible OTS leased device label which includes the service desk support phone number.
All distributions of new equipment must have a customer approved procurement ticket in the OTS ticket system reflecting the associated monthly costs for the full 48 month term. Customers who place an approved order are expected to keep the device for the full term.
Purchasing computers, laptops, tablets, monitors and docking stations in lieu of ordering a Line of Service device from the EUC Catalog of Services is only allowable for agencies which have been granted an exemption to purchase rather than use the lines of service offerings. Purchase requests must be approved by EUC and processed by OTS following the standard procurement process. If the agency is approved to purchase equipment, the agency will be responsible for all tasks associated with tagging, property control, inventory tracking, annual verification and ORM insurance coverages as needed.
Warehouse handling and delivery costs will be billed to the agency for purchased equipment orders.
All line of service billing is based on the count of devices deployed and managed for the customer agency. The EUC Asset Management team maintains all records for managed devices using a combination of the EUC Asset Management system as well as the Configuration Management system. This information is used to track device assignments and locations as well as to produce billing reports for invoicing customers. When tickets are submitted for devices to be ordered, re-assigned or decommissioned, those tickets are reviewed and documented by the Asset Management team to update inventory records as changes need to be made.
All new hardware orders must be approved by the customer agency and by OTS using the Ivanti procurement request ticket process. Orders for equipment that were not approved by OTS and fulfilled through EUC will not be allowed to be installed on the network. All tickets for new hardware should reference the EUC Catalog of Service items being requested. The total cost approved by the agency on the order should reflect the device monthly rate for the full 48-month term.
All orders for new equipment must reference the specific service tag or serial number of the devices that are being replaced by the new equipment. In addition, EUC must be informed if the old equipment is being redistributed for another purpose or decommissioned and removed from service. This information is used to determine if the agency device count is increasing, decreasing or remaining the same for Enterprise Device Support billing purposes.
All new equipment orders will be delivered to the EUC Warehouse unless alternative locations are deemed appropriate by EUC. The warehouse team will inventory, image and stage the devices for delivery to the customer. The EUC field operations team will deliver and deploy the devices for the customer. The Asset management team will ensure the device inventory is updated throughout this process.
EUC staff must keep track of the billing information, location and assigned user for each line of service managed device. In order to properly track the inventory of managed devices, the following are required:
- A record of each device will be listed and maintained in the OTS Asset Management system that reflects the assigned user, location, model, warranty period and customer billing information.
- EUC must be contacted anytime changes are needed for a device. All equipment moves or re-assignments must have an associated service request in the OTS ticket system and the agency will provide the new device assignment information as part of the service request ticket.
- All device moves or re-assignments must be performed by EUC staff.
All state managed devices must be properly sanitized according to the guidelines outlined in the OTS Information Security Policy prior to:
- Surplus
- Transfer of ownership or
- Removal from service
EUC staff will perform the device sanitization and will update the EUC asset management system and billing records as part of the process to fully remove the device from future service and agency billing for Enterprise Device Support services. Hardware that was ordered with a 48-month lifecycle by the agency must continue to be paid for the full 48-month term.
EUC must be contacted anytime devices need to be removed from service. All decommissioning of equipment must have an associated service request in the OTS ticket system. The requesting agency will provide the service tag(s) or serial number(s) of equipment being removed from service as part of the service request ticket.
Devices that are being decommissioned and held by the agency as spare inventory will be sanitized and not billed to the agency. When the agency determines the device needs to be placed back into service, the Move/Reassign service request in Ivanti should be sent to notify EUC of the new assignment. The device will be imaged and deployed and added back to the monthly bill for EUC Enterprise Device support services.
Devices that are stored long term for disaster response purposes will not be billed to the agency until placed in service. When the agency determines the device needs to be placed back into service, the Move/Reassign service request in Ivanti should be sent to notify EUC of the return to service. The device will be imaged and deployed and added back to the monthly bill for EUC Enterprise Device support services.