The mission of the Office of State Procurement is to develop and implement sound procurement practices in accordance with executive policy and legislative mandates, and to provide quality and timely services to the agency and vendor communities.
Instructions for submitting Adobe Dynamic forms based on Adobe software version:
- If form is opened in Adobe Acrobat, user can fill in and submit through email.
- If form is opened in Adobe Reader, user can fill in, print to PDF, and submit through email to the email address specified on the form. The Submit button will not work in Adobe Reader.
Instructions for Using Adobe Dynamic Forms Based on Browser:
- If using Google Chrome - Click on link, click download arrow in right corner, then save. Follow instructions for use based on Adobe version.
- If using Microsoft Edge - Click on link, click the save button in right corner, then save. Follow instructions for use based on Adobe version
A-11 Bid Tabulation Form: Document to be completed when submitting quotes to OSP for review.
Agency Blanket Order Tracking & Renewal Request Form: State Agencies are required to complete this form when requesting a renewal on a Blanket Order PO that was issued by the Office of State Procurement.
Authorized Dealer Certification: Certification form for authorized dealer repair purchases. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Change Order Form: State Agencies are required to complete this form when requesting a Change Order on a Purchase Order issued by the Office of State Procurement
Complaint Form : An online form used to report complaints/deficiencies regarding quality of merchandise, deliveries, or service.
Performance Evaluation Forms: An online form used to report complaints/deficiencies regarding quality of merchandise, deliveries, or service.
Professional Services Contract Evaluation Form
Purchasing Contract Evaluation Form
Complex RFP Contract Evaluation Form
Professional Services RFP Contract Evaluation Form
Contract Kickoff Documents:
Contract Kickoff Agenda (Adobe Dynamic PDF Form): An agenda used by state agencies when conducting Contract Kickoff meetings.
Project Roles and Responsibilities Table (Adobe Dynamic PDF Form): A roles and responsibilities table (PDF version) of the individuals involved in the project. This table is used in conjunction with the Contract Kickoff Agenda.
Project Roles and Responsibilities Table: A roles and responsibilities table (Excel version) of the individuals involved in the project. This table is used in conjunction with the Contract Kickoff Agenda.
Contract Kickoff Instructions: Instructions for completing the Contract Kickoff Agenda.
DA 121 - Vehicle Condition Report: A required form, to report the condition of any vehicle being surplused.
Delegated Purchasing Authority Questionnaire: An online form used by state agencies to request delegated purchasing authority. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Emergency Procurement Checklist: This form is used as a tool in the event that an emergency procurement is needed.
Emergency Procurement Handbook
2025 Catering Information List
HVI Sub-contractor and Invoice Form: An online form used by state agencies to track certified Hudson and Veteran Initiative sub-contractor spend resulting from contracts awarded through the RFP process and scoring HVI points.
Information Technology Budget Form
LaPAC Agency Security Administrator Setup Form: Used to establish a security administrator for a non-ISIS agency in LaPAC. Form can be submitted to State Procurement online. The agency security administrator will then establish permissions for users within their agency.
MMCAP Membership: A form used to request (Pharmaceutical) MMCAP Membership. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
PCBN3: A required form, used to request additions to Microcomputer Brand Name Contracts. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Printing Checklist: This form will assist agencies in assuring all specifications are addressed when ordering their printing needs. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Printing Cost Statement: This form will assist agencies in providing cost statements to printers for placement on published documents. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Public Document Needs Assessment: Required by R.S. 43:31.1, when having any public document printed. Form to be printed and submitted to State Procurement after completion.
Request For Training: Agency purchasing personnel use this online form to request procurement training.
Sole Source & Proprietary Purchase Form: This form is used for requesting Sole Source & Proprietary Purchases.
Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1702, et. seq., provides that eligible political subdivisions and private procurement units of the State of Louisiana may be permitted to place orders against certain statewide contracts administered by the Office of State Procurement. The contractor may however, at its option, amend a bid so that any contract awarded will not apply to public or private procurement units.
Local public or private procurement units wishing to procure commodities through the Statewide Contract Management System must submit, prior to their first purchase, a completed State Contract Questionnaire to the Office of State Procurement at OSP Webmaster.
The list of Participating Entities is available here. These units are eligible to purchase from the statewide contracts via the cooperative procurement clause.