non-congregate shelter program
OCD has allocated approximately $6 million for the acquisition of property to be utilized as Non-congregate Low Barrier Shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Non-congregate Shelter (NCS) is a private room style shelter similar to a hotel. This type of shelter is essential to protect people from COVID-19.
Notice of Funding Availability August 22, 2022
Love Louisiana Outdoors
Our new parks program is Love Louisiana Outdoors (LLO), funded with CDBG-CV funds from the CARES Act. These funds can be used towards providing a suitable space for activities to encourage physical distancing and support social distancing guidance. This program is specifically focused on municipalities and parishes that have been determined to have a population of at least 51% low/moderate income persons, based on HUD Summary Data. A list of the eligible applicants is below.
Eligibility forms were required to be submitted by October 1, 2021. Round 2 applications may be submitted beginning March 7, 2022 and must be received no later than June 1, 2022. OCD-LGA held a webinar to discuss Citizen Participation requirements, the application process, and common errors. The webinar and slideshow are linked below.
April 19, 2022 LLOP Grantee Workshop Slides and Video
March 2, 2022 Application Webinar
For other questions regarding the LLOP, please contact Traci Watts at 225-342-0148, Heather Paul at 225-342-7418, or Janelle Dickey at 225-219-7278.
LLOP Applications and Checklist
Eligible Municipalities and Parishes
Citizen Participation Requirements
Applications must be received in our office by June 1, 2022. They may be submitted by email to or the hardcopy can be mailed to:
Division of Administration
Office of Community Development-Local Government Assistance
Post Office Box 94095
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9095
Or delivered to:
Division of Administration
Office of Community Development-Local Government Assistance
1201 North Third Street
Claiborne Building, Suite 3-150
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Due to the pandemic, local government entities are having to take actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the CARES Act, HUD was allocated funding to prevent, prepare, and respond to the virus. From that funding, the State of Louisiana has been appropriated $44,336,196. Of that amount, OCD has allocated $25,000,000 for upgrades to HVAC and ventilation systems in publicly-owned community facilities. $12,500,000 will be available for large applicants (local governments with populations of 10,000 or more) and $12,500,000 will be available for small applicants (local governments with populations of 9,999 or less). The application deadline for this program has closed and no additional applications are being accepted.
HVAC Environmental Review Requirements