Below is a list of resources to assist individuals with disabilities regarding such topics as accommodations, employment and emergency preparedness.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
- JAN is the leading source of free, expert and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues. JAN provides individualized consultation to both employers and individuals with disabilities, including a Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) system designed to let users explore various accommodation options for people with disabilities in work and educational settings.
Louisiana Commission for the Deaf (LCD)
- LCD provides people who are D/deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing and those with speech disorders with programs and services to ensure full communication access to the world around them. Services include a telecommunications equipment program, hearing aid program, interpreting services and support service provider (SSP) program.
Online College Guide for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
- Written by Intelligent.com, this guide is designed to help deaf and hard-of-hearing college students in self-advocating for the services they need. It outlines common challenges facing deaf and hard-of-hearing students, available accommodations to ensure accessibility of online courses, as well as popular listening assistance devices and applications.
Resource Guide for Students with Visual Impairments
- This guide from BestColleges.com is designed to help college students with visual impairments transition to higher education. It outlines common accommodations for students with visual impairments, as well as available assistive technology and mobile apps to aid in the accessibility of course materials.
- Get a Game Plan is a comprehensive emergency planning website from the Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP). It includes specific information for individuals for disabilities in order to reduce the fear, panic and inconvenience that surrounds a disaster.
Louisiana Guide to Supports & Services
- The Louisiana Guide to Supports & Services is a compilation of contact information for state agencies, education services, communication, transportation and advocacy organizations available to individuals with disabilities, elders and their families affected by disasters.
- The Employment Resource Guide is a compilation of the available services in Louisiana provided by government and non-profit organizations aimed at helping persons with disabilities obtain the skills and other resources they need to get a job, keep a job and develop a lifetime career.
Mental Health Disabilities and Employment: A Guide to Rights & Advocacy
- Prepared by CounselingSchools.com, this guide explores the rights of individuals with mental health conditions at work, common challenges and advocacy efforts. It also addresses whether to disclose your disability, and if so, when it is appropriate to do so in order to enact the protections of the ADA.
Resume and Employment Guide for People with Disabilities
- This comprehensive step-by-step guide by ResumeBuilder.com helps people with disabilities create an impactful resume that can highlight their skills and value to potential employers. In addition, the guide includes important insight such as laws that protect their rights, workplace discrimination, and harassment to ensure they receive a fair chance at achieving their career goal.
Governor’s Office of Disability Affairs (GODA)
- GODA strives to serve as an informational resource for people with disabilities, their families and the agencies that serve them. A list of disability-related resources is available on the GODA website including accessibility, advocacy and legal rights, education, emergency preparedness, housing and much more.
Medicaid: How to Qualify and Apply for Medicaid
- Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to Americans with low-income, people with disabilities, and others who do not have access to affordable health insurance. Provided by AffordableHealthInsurance.com, this guide outlines how to qualify and apply for Medicaid coverage.
Medicare Eligibility for People With Disabilities
- Even if you are under the age of 65, you may qualify for Medicare if you have certain disabilities. Published by Medicare Plans Patient Resource Center, this comprehensive guide helps you to better understand Medicare eligibility, coverage, and most importantly, how to navigate the enrollment process.
A Guide to Social Security for Seniors
- Whether you are nearing retirement age, have a significant disability or are struggling to meet your basic needs, you may be entitled to Social Security. Published by Caring.com, this guide outlines the various types of social security benefits, eligibility criteria, as well as how to sign-up for social security.
Assisted Living Options for People with Disabilities
- Seniors and people with disabilities often need supportive living options, but selecting the right one for you depends on your support needs, expense and personal preference. This guide, provided by assistedliving.org, explains the various care options (including assisted living, independent living, and home care), financial support options, and state support resources.
- This guide from the Industry Innovation Association (IIA) is aimed at helping individuals with disabilities that are susceptible to low-income to have equitable access to internet, computers, laptops and other digital resources they need to stay connected in the world today. It includes information on various discount, low-cost internet and phone plans, as well as digital literacy programs.
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN)
- LATAN is the federal Assistive Technology Act program for Louisiana. LATAN offers demonstration services, alternative financing, device loans and additional services to assist residents of all ages with disabilities or functional limitations in order to gain independence at home, at work and at school through the use of assistive technology.